Publication of the jubilee monograph


AUPC Studia Naturae includes to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Polish Botanical Society (PBS) and the Year of Botany 2022 by issuing a supplement by one of the most famous botanists and phytogeographers in Poland - prof. Anna Medwecka-Kornaś. This study concerns "Fire influence upon the savanna vegetation in Zambia and problems connected with role of this factor". There is little Polish bibliography related to this type of subject. This publication contains about 40 original, unpublished drawings of pyrophytic plants. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the knowledge to date on the subject. Funds for this purpose were obtained from the pool of the Rector of the Pedagogical University in Krakow, who thus decided to join the celebration of the PBS jubilee.

A supplement with a printed monograph can be ordered at the following link:

A book of poems and nursery rhymes (Moje rymowanki i wiersze) by Prof. Anna Medwecka-Kornaś is also in preparation (in Polish). More details will be available soon.